Are you frustrated, dismayed,
frightened, or downright angry about
the state of the world we live in?
Do you feel depressed, ineffective, and desperately wish that things would change?
Do you sometimes find yourself yelling at the TV or wanting to throw your phone against the wall?
I feel you. I get it. I've been there …
… and I'm happy to tell you that there is a way for you to make a REAL difference—to generate change in a big way, on your own terms.
It all starts with four simple steps, in a process (and program) I call “Changemaker YOU.”
Develop the key attributes of a successful changemaker
Seeing a problem and wanting it to change is one thing.
Creating that change is another thing entirely. It takes commitment, passion, and direction. (I’m guessing you already loads of commitment and passion—so all you need is the direction and some extra support along the way!)
Changemaker YOU will help you develop the attributes, the skills, and the mindset you need to get going on your changemaker journey and bring others along with you.
- Learn the four steps you need to move from frustration into action
- Articulate your path so clearly that others are eager to join you
- Uncover your potential as a social innovator
- Change the world from the inside out
If you’re feeling frustrated and helpless, this course will help you to map your path to a better way.
You’ll gain a better understanding of how your homegrown roots influence the way you experience and show up in the world. You’ll focus on real solutions rather than “praising the problem.” You’ll learn to engage with diverse groups of people toward common goals. You’ll develop a global mindset that allows you to work more effectively in evey setting, including your own home, neighborhood and the wider world.
If you really want to feel more purposeful and effective in your daily life and know that your actions really can make the world a better place, then Changemaker YOU is where you need to be.
The 4 aspects of successful changemaking:

How we act on issues needing attention to make changes in the world.
How our roots and our foundations affect how we show up in the world.
What we project outwardly as we reflect inwardly on our higher purpose.
How we interact with others—especially those with different perspectives.
How do I know what works
to make a difference?
Well, it helps that I’m fascinated by people who show up in the world in big ways as social changemakers.
This is me, Patti Talbot—the founder of Blue Roads Education Group.
When people work to make a real difference with intentional actions to change policies, institutions and systems that no longer serve us as human beings, I feel relief and gratitude. I’m also powerfully curious about how these changemakers make things happen when others don’t seem to be able to.
Where does the will and skill of changemakers originate? Can anyone be a changemaker?
My curiosity about change and changemakers led me to study people who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to create significant positive changes with demonstrable benefits. I’ve conducted extensive interviews with people fitting that description across sectors including educators, community leaders, business leaders, attorneys, activists and healthcare workers.
With more than 35 years of experience in public education, I’ve had thousands of opportunities to explore what works to drive learning and transformation…and what doesn’t. I’ve studied programs and curricula designed to cultivate the characteristics consistently shared by those who step forward to make things better. I’m most interested in the common attributes that make them capable of doing the work they do for the good of humanity and the planet.
What I’ve learned is that effective social changemakers consistently have 16 characteristics in common. And I’ll teach you how to embody those 16 characteristics in your own life and work, when you enroll in Changemaker YOU.
Real-Life Changemakers:

Create the world you want to live in
With Changemaker YOU you'll: get
Unlimited access
Unlimited access to 4 comprehensive modules containing 16 recorded lessons introducing each of the changemaker attributes one by one
Practical exercises
Practical exercises for applying those attributes to yourself and the setting in which you plan to make change
Changemaker YOU
The Changemaker YOU ebook for easy review whenever you need it
Changemaker workbook
A Changemaker Workbook for notetaking and reflections to apply what you are learning to your own situation and aspirations for positive social change
Supportive community
A supportive community of learners to engage in discussions and further opportunities to learn
Monthly live "office hours"
Access to Patti’s monthly office hours where you can meet with her in person to ask questions and gain clarification on any points that may be hanging you up
Explore the Changemaker YOU curriculum:

Module 1: Being
Research shows that changemakers consistently exhibit self-awareness, self-confidence, an orientation towards specific core values, and an internal locus of control.
These characteristics start to develop early in life in our homes, our families, our schools, and our faith-based communities, but they continue to evolve as we mature and go out into the world as adults. In this module, we’ll unpack each attribute of BEING one at a time and consider how it relates to our work as changemakers.
Module 2: Doing
As we move into the DOING quadrant of the Changemaker Framework, we begin to see how we can use our individual sense of self-awareness, confidence, values and efficacy, all inherent in our BEING, to get things DONE.
In this module, we’ll break down how you can develop your changemaker attributes of creativity and innovation, action orientation, problem solving and perserverance…so that your actions are well-directed and effective.

Module 3: Connecting
Positive change requires engaging with others from multiple perspectives—because seeing the world through the eyes of others uncovers greater potential for everyone. While we may have so much in common with our family and friends that we find little challenge in understanding their points of view, the power of CONNECTING lies in its diversity of perspectives.
In this module, we explore the four essential changemaker attributes of social-emotional intelligence, empathy, communication, and cultural competence that will allow us to thrive while working for the greater good of all.
Module 4: Reflecting
The four attributes we embrace in this final module all relate to what changemakers must convey out into the world from deep within.
By intentionally reflecting an identity of changemaker-leader who thinks globally and critically about the world’s most pressing issues, we can create real momentum for change.

Everybody seems to want to change the world, but few talk about what it actually takes to do our part as individuals.
Changemaker YOU
is NOT for you if:
- You are already an expert changemaker
- You don't like the way things are but don't feel any responsibility for making them better
- You like to focus on problems more than solutions
- You think you are already doing all there is to do
- You aren't willing to engage in self-reflection
- You don't want to learn anything new
- You don't like to work with others
Changemaker YOU
is for you if:
- You aspire to be a changemaker
- You feel called to a higher purpose, but aren't sure where to start
- You are discouraged by what is happening around you and want to change it
- You are willing to learn new things about yourself, others and the world
- You are willing to think creatively about new solutions to old problems
- You are ready to engage in deep self reflection and critical thinking
My personal guarantee to you ...
My guarantee to you is that these attributes, when cultivated with intention, will make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you. When you cultivate the changemaker in yourself, the ripples you create help to cultivate changemakers in your home, your community, your workplace and the wider world.
Real-Life Changemakers:

Frequently Asked Questions
We like the definition from the University of Northampton in the United Kingdom. “A changemaker is someone who sees a social or environmental problem and has the skills and the grit to do something about it.” We've modified that definition just a bit to read “A changemaker is someone who sees a social or environmental problem and has the skills and the grit to work with others to do something about it.” Changemakers never act alone.
You can call yourself a changemaker if you are able to identify social and environmental problems and you make authentic efforts to work with others to change policies, procedures and institutions that cause them.
Are you ready to move past anxiety, frustration and confusion into effective and consistent action for change?
You really only have two choices:
1. Remain in your dismay and frustration about the state of the world: disease, injustics, politics, economic inequality, pending climate disaster…
2. Become the change from the inside out.
Chart your course as a changemaker. Imagine what you could do if you were able to:
- Understand yourself better so you can show up as your most authentic self
- Capture your true calling to live life for a bigger purpose
- Connect with others with empathy and understanding
- Bring a global perspective to all that you do
- Act consistently on behalf of the planet and humanity