I call myself a “Change Educator”.
My goal is to help you and those you care about find and live your highest purpose for a meaningful life. When we do that, we create a better world from the inside out.
Hi, I’m Dr. Patti Talbot,
My work is all about cultivating homegrown changemakers. By that, I mean I do everything I can to celebrate and support people who are working for a better world and to teach people the common skills shared by all social and environmental Changemakers.
By focusing on the four quadrants in my signature Changemaker Journey Framework – being, doing, connecting and reflecting - my clients are able to create a meaningful and balanced life that contributes significantly to positive social change and inspires others to do so, too.

Did you know that there are 16 specific skills all successful Changemakers have in common?
Join me to learn what they are and how you can quickly and easily learn and engage these skills to get started making a real difference for the wider world – without neglecting yourself or the day-to-day necessities right in front of you.
Patti’s story...
As I sat in meditation one fall morning in 2017, I found myself ruminating on my then current situation. I was tired and sore and having quite a bit of trouble sleeping. I was healing from a fall where I’d broken my right shoulder and left knee, my father and mother-in-law were in ailing health living in the same assisted living facility close by.
The caretaking responsibilities for all three of us fell to my patient and loving husband, but… he was worn out!
It occurred to me that I had enough years of service in my university faculty role that I could retire if I so desired. I loved what I was doing, but, perhaps, it was time to step back and regroup.
I took a leap of faith and contacted HR that very afternoon with a goal of taking care of myself so I would heal enough to do my part in the caretaking role for our parents. I was privileged to do so for two of the people who had loved and cared for us so much over our entire lives, but I also knew my work was nowhere close to finished.
After 25 years working in elementary schools as a teacher, counselor and principal, I had spent the last ten years at the university level preparing teachers and school leaders for a changing world. Now that I was no longer part of an institution where my students were enrolled and assigned to me each semester, I was curious how I might put my passion and vast experience as an educator to good use in a less structured and bureaucratic environment.

Wasn’t I put on earth to be a teacher?
Wasn’t I committed to doing my part to realize the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals identified as top priorities by leaders in virtually every country around the globe?
After we buried our parents and all my parts were, once again, operating as designed, I was ready to get back to my life of teaching, learning and service modeled for me by my nurse-mom and preacher-dad.
I’ve spent the last three years learning how to translate my skills and my passions into the entrepreneurial endeavor that is Blue Roads Education.
I already had the teaching and the leadership experience to know how to cultivate leaders for change. What I needed now was the business know-how.
What an exhilarating journey it has been!
I am so honored to be able to cultivate my own “changemaker self” while helping you to cultivate “Changemaker YOU”. Won’t you join me?
Your Changemaker Journey starts now

ACCESS your Changemaker
YOU eBook
Learn the 16 attributes shared by Changemakers around the world.

Changemaker YOU Course
Learn to apply the 16 attributes of Changemakers to your own life and priorities including where your strengths lie and where to focus your attention for personal growth that makes a BIG difference.

LIVE the Change!
Refocus your talents for a healthy, balanced and purposeful life on your own terms.