
Wise Generations

A Leadership Legacy Retreat for Women and Girls






If you’re lucky enough to be grandmother to an early teen girl you want to see thriving and growing into her fullest potential as a woman, then bring her along and join us for this magical retreat that will strengthen the bonds between you while nurturing an everlasting source of confidence she can lean on to face any challenge with joy and purpose.

United Kingdom

June 13 – 25, 2025

Standing beside your granddaughter amid the time-sculpted monoliths of Stonehenge, you feel a flutter of excitement as you watch the shadows form in anticipation of the sun setting upon the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. The rays dance over the ancient formations as you gather with other women and girls in a mystical journey that will leave an indelible imprint upon your souls.

You listen intently as the guide reveals the hidden narratives of courageous women who walked these sacred grounds before you. Women of power and grace held revered positions as matriarchs, priestesses, healers, and leaders in the society that put these stones in place. You, too, are now walking a sacred path … and so is your granddaughter.

What a golden opportunity to allow wisdom to flow! Like the stones, grandmothers are fonts of wisdom, love, and unimaginable strength.  Like the sun, granddaughters shine with joy and possibility.  As you stand amid these ancient sentinels, the wind whispers the secrets of long forgotten wisdom and hint at the wisdom yet to come.


Twelve days of heartwarming adventure will take you to four extraordinary English settings that will bring you and your granddaughter even closer together as you develop the skills needed to face any challenge with certainty and grace!

Can you imagine how wonderful it would feel to continue the important work for women’s rights begun by the powerful women who came before you?

How amazing would it feel to ensure that the world keeps getting better for your granddaughter as she grows into womanhood?

Wouldn’t it feel great to help your granddaughter develop the skills she needs to face the challenges of adolescence and adulthood full on?

Can you picture your joy at seeing your granddaughter walking confidently and comfortably in her own skin?

Can you imagine how free you'd feel if you and your granddaughter no longer felt the weight of the world on your shoulders alone?”

More benefits…

     Join us in this multi-site retreat experience  that will support you both in developing a powerful new approach to leadership that will allow you to act within your unique capacity for change to keep the world moving in a positive direction for women and girls around the globe.


Four beautiful historic venues in southern England have been carefully selected to support the mission of your program while providing a sense of adventure and the “creature comforts” required to keep you nourished, energized, inspired, and well-rested for the important and empowering adventure before you. From rolling English hillsides and lush forests to village greens and the bustling city of London, you will embrace the range of human experience communing with nature and immersing yourself in a new culture that connects you with your deepest humanity and the wisdom of women through the ages. 

After arrival in London via Heathrow International Airport, you will be transported straight away to the historic Cotswold’s of England for an extended weekend at the beautiful Holland House Retreat Center where you will get oriented to the program and acquainted with your fellow travelers as you unwind from the journey and ready yourself for the experience of a lifetime.  

The center is very close to the horse farm specializing in an equine leadership program assisting humans of all ages to refine an authentic presence that honors the energy of those around them with practical and profound experiences in the presence of these majestic animals. There, you will become aware of the soft power you hold as a woman to make profound connections and positively influence those around you.

That newfound connection to self and others will follow you as you travel onward for five days at the vibrant Hawkwood College for Future Thinking where changemakers from around the world gather in a sustainably run estate nestled in the heart of Gloucester surrounded by green gardens and woodlands easily walkable to the village of Stroud.   


The interior spaces at Hawkwood are cozy and comfortable and allow for many gathering and relaxation options. The exteriors have been intentionally designed for exploration and learning in an outdoor classroom, around a fire, or while walking the labyrinth adjacent to the flowing natural spring running through the property.  Here, we will continue to lay the groundwork for your leadership and legacy.   

From Stroud, you will travel to Milford Hall, a family-owned Georgian Manor House located in the heart of Salisbury where many from around the world venture on pilgrimage to the magical and mystical World Heritage Site that is Stonehenge.

Visiting the prehistoric standing stones during the Summer Solstice will be a rare treat experienced by few.  Your home for the weekend rests in the city center close to a world-renowned cathedral, an historic market and a playhouse theatre that will all be options for you during your stay in this lovely hotel style accommodation that smoothly blends history with modern convenience. 

Next up is Central London where you will spend three nights/four days housed in a luxury Hyde Park apartment that is easily accessible by foot or the London Underground to everything this vibrant city has to offer.

You will, once again, share a cozy comfortable room with your beloved granddaughter (some twins, some queen beds)  where you will have plenty of time to rehash the planned learning excursions built into each day (Theater? Yes! Palaces? Yes! Tea Time? You bet! The London Eye? But, of course!) and plan what you want to do with the free time that’s built in for nearby independent adventures and shopping, too!

We want to go!!


Holland House and Hawkwood College each take pride in freshly preparing all meals and snacks from locally-sourced organic produce with mindful attention to sustainable practices that minimize negative environmental impact.  The experienced kitchen staffs take great care to accommodate individual dietary needs while providing delicious choices in warm communal dining rooms shared by groups on the vast campuses at any given time.

At Milford Hall, breakfasts, with numerous options, are included in your program while lunches, dinners and traditional English tea times will be at your discretion during outings or at the beautiful onsite restaurant that specializes in wood-fired Neopolitan pizza made from local ingredients.

While in London, we will prepare a simple breakfast together in our well-appointed kitchen each day, but you will not want to miss the chance to explore the fabulous food options all around you in this marvelous cosmopolitan city that boasts, not only local favorites like “savory pie” and “fish and chips”, but international favorites from every culture you can imagine! 

Yes, Please!

Learn to celebrate your nature, your energy, and your story by creating a personalized system that supports a purpose-driven life so you can change the world on your own terms and in your own unique way.   

Gain clarity on the ideal life you envision and the path you will follow to get there so you can use your newfound freedom to choose the direction and make that vision a reality.

Embrace the freedom to choose the meaning you assign to situations in life so you can celebrate your gifts and resources and channel them into positive actions and energies toward a world that works better for everyone.  

 Build a lasting partnership with your granddaughter that honors the shared wisdom across generations so you can keep abreast of current trends impacting the young while putting your wealth of experience to good use for the long term.  

Create a legacy of love and positive change your granddaughter will always remember for guidance and inspiration.

Top 8 Reasons to Join Us!

  1. Build an unshakeable bond with your granddaughter!
  2. Embrace your unique-NESS as capable, competent women!
  3. Venture through the beautiful Cotswolds of England!
  4. Experience the mysteries of Stonehenge on the Summer Solstice!
  5. Uncover the ancient wisdom of powerful women!
  6. Explore the dynamic city of London!
  7. Dance to a new story with the Six Wives of Henry VIII!
  8. Horses!

Day-to-Day Itinerary

Day 1: June 13 - Arrival!

You will meet at Heathrow International Airport and travel via private mini-coach to your home for the weekend located in Worcestershire in the heart of the Cotswold’s of England.


Day 2: June 14 - NESS


Once comfortably settled in and oriented to one another and your lush surroundings, you will begin to discover “yourNESS” using our signature framework for change leadership.

Day 3: June 15 - BeingNESS

You will learn to appreciate and understand the essence of your being as you engage deeply with your granddaughter and the others in the group in the company of beautiful and intuitive horses who have retired from racing, but have much to teach you about how to use “soft power” to interact positively with others in the service of positive change.

Day 4: June 16 - DoingNESS

You will carry this newfound energy with you as you travel to Hawkwood College for Future Thinking nestled in the village of Stroud for five days of adventure and learning as you put your beingNESS to good use in the doingNESS of creative problem solving as you hone your skills and tune in to your unique gifts so very needed in the world we share.

Day 5: June 17 - ConnectedNESS

This Tuesday at Hawkwood you will work with diverse elements (like fire!) and the range of human needs across various ages, stages, strengths, and challenges to cultivate the social-emotional intelligence especially necessary in cross-cultural interactions. You will find a new source of grace and confidence that flows from a place of mutual empathy, generosity, and authentic presence.

Day 6: June 18 - ReflectiveNESS

Midweek, you will be introduced to a reflective practice that focuses on both internal reflection for deep understanding and external reflection as an intentional way of showing the world what you choose to stand for in any given moment or on any given issue. The forest surrounding you will become your dearest friend, your classroom, and your laboratory on this day.

Day 7: June 19 - ConsciousNESS

Each day of your journey you have become more conscious of your human potential and more aware of your place within a wider world.  On this Thursday, you will learn a variety of techniques for solidifying a practice of consciousness into your daily life.  Some of them will be a “fit” for you and others will slide away, but those that resonate will become a valuable part of your toolkit as a mindful leader who reverberates with a message of love in the now and for generations to come.

Day 8: June 20 - Solidifying YourNESS

Today you will travel to the historic city of Salisbury where you will have some time to explore on your own and practice mindfully taking your nature, your energy, your story and your chosen system out and about surrounded by new sights and sounds among travelers from all over the world.

Day 9: June 21 - Standing Tall

Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.  You will have the rare opportunity to join the enigmatic Druids who have been practicing their rituals at Stonehenge for centuries and whose ancient wisdom reverberates with the land, the sun, and the mysteries of the universe. Here you will witness a profound ceremony taking place in a celestial theatre under the open sky where the intricate interplay among history, spirituality, and nature take shape with the potential to transform and enlighten.

Day 10: June 22 - Knowledge to Action (K2A) in London

After settling into your luxury Hyde Park apartment, you will get your first taste of the London Underground en route to board a, distinctively British, red bus that will take us on a tour of the city as we indulge in a proper English Tea. Everywhere you go in London, you will have the chance to embody your NESS as a powerful way of interacting with the people and experiences of this cosmopolitan city while observing the highs and lows that will lead to rich reflections on your uniqueNESS that bubbles up through your interests, your concerns, and your talents.

Day 11: June 23 - Exploration/K2A

Before we set out for the great River Thames Boat Tour and London Eye, you will prepare yourself to gather “Street Wisdom” along the journey as you travel underground, at street level, and high above The Tower of London. Your mind will begin to churn around the question “What is mine to do?”  as you begin the work of matching your talents and your passions with needs in the real world. The question will gently tumble through your heart and mind as you notice the world around you and discover a new level of curiosity and confidence that will remain with you always.

Day 12: K2A/London Theater

Today you will have more time to explore the great city of London capped off by a performance of “Six” at the historic Vaudeville Theater.  This extraordinary one act play tells the story of the six wives of Henry VIII in rowdy pop concert style that will have you and your granddaughter dancing and singing the night away while you ponder the many ways that you can together write a new story for the next generation of women – a story where their worth is unquestioned and their voices are cherished.

Day 13: June 25 - Changemakers Travel Home

Before you travel back to the airport with your granddaughter and all of your new friends to catch your flights home today, you will seal and celebrate your learning in the morning with a special acknowledgement of the changemaking skills you have developed and the sisterhood of women leaders you have nurtured with hearts and minds focused on the power you hold within you to create the world you want to live in with renewed joy and purpose.


We can't wait!!

This journey is for you if you:

  • Are an equity-minded grandmother wanting the best life for your granddaughter.
  • Have a granddaughter between the ages of 12 and 16.
  • Wish for her to move into womanhood with great confidence.
  • Want her to be fully self-expressed and feel comfortable in her own skin.
  • Are looking for a way to maximize your positive impact in the world.
  • Want to pass on a positive legacy.
  • Want to share with her a deeply meaningful grand English adventure.


  This journey is not for you:

    • If you are looking for a “typical” tourist experience.
    • If you are not interested in personal development.
    • If you want to travel to one location and stay put for the entire trip.
    • If you are unable to walk at least a half mile and manage your own luggage (with the help of your granddaughter.)  *Please note:  If you think this may be a problem, but you really wish to participate, chat with Patti ASAP so that she can look into special arrangements. 

We are ready for this amazing experience!

What’s Included:

  • Twelve nights in four gorgeous, historic lodgings where you will feel at once at home and excited by the novelty and richness of the surroundings.
  • Many homemade delicious, nutritious, and sustainably sourced meals including 12 breakfasts, seven lunches, seven dinners, and one hearty afternoon tea.
  • In-country transportation via mini-bus, train and the London Underground! 
  • Expert instructors in personal development and leadership training.
  • Daily circle gatherings and rich conversations to deepen learning about self and others
  • Entrance fees and tickets for all scheduled adventures and field trips including:
    • Equine Experience
    • Stonehenge
    • Traveling Tea Tour
    • The London Eye
    • The River Thames Boat Tour
    • The London Theater
  • All course materials including journals and art supplies.
  • A supportive and enlightening learning environment
  • Loads of FUN!

This retreat is for US!!

*Note: Some meals on your own give you flexibility based on your preferences and price range during the limited independent time during the trip and prevent the need for large group reservations.

What’s Not Included:

    • Roundtrip Airfare and required travel insurance are not included
    • Independent transportation outside of scheduled group transport.
    • Passport fees
    • *Lunches and dinners in Salisbury (5 meals) and London (7 meals).
    • Airport meals before pickup and after drop off are also not included. Additional snacks.
    • Independent excursions and shopping
    • Additional gratuities



  • Detailed materials to help you discuss the trip with your granddaughter and her parents. This trip requires “buy in” by multiple parties so talking with your granddaughter and parents early and often in the process is very important. There’s a special website portal created just for you!
  • Pre-trip call for all of you (you, your granddaughter and her parents) to answer questions and get to know one another. There will be group information calls to share information and answer questions, but Patti is also happy to schedule a call especially for your family members to answer questions unique to you. Just say the word!
  • Private Facebook group to get connected and excited and to ask questions before the trip AND to STAY connected afterward for as long as you like.


Your Host, Dr. Patti Talbot

At this crossroad, I asked myself the same question I have asked my students over nearly 40 years as an educator, “What is yours to do?”

After an extended and joyful career as an educator, I retired a little earlier than expected from my university faculty position preparing school leaders because of an accident that required months of physical therapy to heal. That episode was followed by many more months of caring for ailing parents.  When the parents passed away and my health was back in order, I knew I was nowhere close to ready to “be retired.”  I don’t even like that word! But… I also knew that returning to a bureaucracy that scheduled my life and my time for me was no longer appealing. I had found my freedom and I was not about to give it up!

What is mine to do?

  • After serving as a classroom teacher, school counselor, principal, and preparing others to those things…
  • After falling in love with travel and taking groups on international learning trips…
  • After recognizing that I, and everyone I know, could use much more work on cultural and global competencies…
  • After realizing that “retirement” isn't for me...
  • After finding out I'm not a very good golfer cool
  • After swearing never to be on another committee or board for the rest of my life!
  • After remembering that I prefer to work with people face to face
  • After acknowledging that my strengths and my true loves will forever remain with teaching and learning...
  • After recognizing that smaller groups are where I learn and do my best work…
  • After becoming a grandmother
  • After worrying over what the world will be like for my grandchildren when I'm gone…

It turns out, it’s this!

I’m here to cultivate and encourage the next generation of changemakers.

Aspiring changemakers are the people who interest and inspire me!

Teaching and learning are how I love to spend my time!

Research into what makes these people called “changemakers” tick, led me to the development of a signature framework I call the NESS Method of Change Leadership.  It’s a way of thinking about life that helps us show up in happy, healthy action for positive change.

I am using my “PattiNESS” (my nature, my energy, my story and my system) to create generational retreats for grandmothers and granddaughters to help you use yourNESS to make the world a better place in your own unique way.

This is mine to do. This is how I’m changing the world.  Are you ready to embrace your nature, honor your energy, share your story, and create your system so you can change the world on your terms, too?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this retreat for?

Who is this for?

Girls (aged 12 – 16) and their equity-minded grandmothers!

Many girls start to become less self-assured and self-expressed during this age range and, as grandmothers who've worked to advance the status of women, we want our girls to move into adulthood with the confidence and skills we wish we had when we were starting out.

Where will we sleep?

In each venue, you will have a comfortable room either on your own or shared with your granddaughter.  Each of the four settings is uniquely beautiful and well appointed with its own unique history and personality including the layout of the rooms.  In some cases, you will share a nearby bath with another pair, in others, you will have a private bath for the two of you. 

What about special dietary accommodations?

Let us know what you need and we will be sure and plan accordingly to the best of our abilities. All meals and snacks are included except anything after breakfast while in Salisbury and London.  (There will be a hearty touring tea time the afternoon we arrive in London so you may not need dinner at all!)  

What if I’m not a grandmother, but there’s a girl I care about I’d like to bring?

With written permission from the parents and a signed statement of safety and responsibility from you, aunties, friends, and mentors who serve in the role of “surrogate feminine elder” could come with special permissions and disclaimers in place.  However, there are special notarized permissions required for traveling internationally with a minor. Traveling with a non-relative is even more challenging.  Working with this situation would be your responsibility to work out with the family and your own legal counsel.



Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?

Yes, all venues where meals are prepared for you can accommodate dietary restrictions as long as you let us know prior to the trip.

Is it safe to travel in the United Kingdom?

Much like the United States, the UK is generally very safe and easy to travel from place to place as long as you remain aware, know where you are going, and use good judgment.  We will always be traveling in the day time and in a group and minors will always be in the company of an adult. 

How can I offset the impact of my traveling by plane? ???

– purchase credits – look this up!

What do I do if I have more questions?

No problem!  Questions are welcome!

Contact Patti via email patti@blueroadseducation.org to get yours answered today! 

Can mothers come, too? What if I have more than one granddaughter in this age range?

While all “feminine elders” are certainly welcome, the curriculum is specifically designed to celebrate the generational bond between grandmothers and granddaughters.  That said, arrangements can be made if you wish to bring a third.

Same goes for “extra” granddaughters!  Perhaps another grandmother/auntie/friend could come along, but, whatever the case, we will work together to determine the best scenario for making this work. 

Just ask Patti!

What should I pack?

We recommend putting toiletries in your checked bag and carrying only a backpack onto the airplane.

It will be warm summer time, but one warm sweatshirt for cool nights by the fire and raingear are a good idea along with good walking shoes.  Wear one pair and pack another.

Casual attire is appropriate for all environments, but you may want a couple of dressier tops for going out in London Town. 

Bring enough undies for the whole trip and plan to wear other items a couple of times if you can. No one will care!  You are beautiful and it is a great time to teach your granddaughter about the joy and ease of traveling light.

Are there any words of caution before I decide if this is right for us?

Participants must be able to comfortably walk at least 1/2 mile and be able to carry their own luggage upstairs (or get their granddaughter to do it) at Hawkwood College.  Accommodations are on the 2nd floor and there is no elevator.  If you are unsure about your ability to work with these restrictions, please do talk with Patti to see what accommodations could be made to make the experience accessible for you. 

We recommend packing as lightly as possible and trying to stick to one rolling suitcase and a backpack per person.  Transportation will be a combination of “planes, trains and automobiles” (aka “coaches”). The adage “less is more” definitely applies when it comes to travel.

Activities will include some guided meditations and embodiment exercises that are beautiful and enlightening, but not for everyone. If a bit of “woo” is out of bounds for you, this is not the trip for you.

The show “Six” (about the six wives of Henry VIII) is terrific and empowering, but it does include some adult themes.  Literature says it is appropriate for ages 10 and up, but I (Patti) would give it a “PG-13” by American standards.

How do I discuss this with my granddaughter’s parents?

We suggest sharing a link to this page directly with your granddaughter's parents and talking it over with your granddaughter before you sign up.  If you are eager to reserve your spots, you can hold your place with a temporarily refundable deposit should you change your mind after talking it through with your family. Direct any questions to patti@blueroadseducation.org.  She is always happy to help.

What airport do we fly into?

Please arrange to arrive at London Heathrow Airport no later than 12 p.m. on Friday, June 13.

What if I want to arrive earlier to explore on my own before the program?

If you arrive a day (or more) before, you will need to make your way back to the airport to travel with the group OR you may make your own arrangements to travel directly to Fladbury and meet us at The Holland House Retreat Center on Friday afternoon.

Is there transportation from the airport to the retreat venue?

We will gather in the airport at a place I will designate and travel via mini-bus to the venue in Fladbury (approximately 2 hours).

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